The time and place of marijuana in the U.S. (Translated from Portugese)

zero-horaKayvan Khalatbari , also of Denver , saw marijuana in an activity that is far from the stereotype silkworm cricket. Commands three companies , one consultancy providing legal and technical assistance to clients in 11 states, Canada and Britain. He and his partner, Ean Seeb, employing 18 people and engage other 10 once a month during the harvest. Both are investing $ 2.5 million to buy land for the construction of a new greenhouse to the dispensary Denver Relief, which must be licensed by February . The third company processes marijuana for infusions and derivatives.

- The herb is no longer a taboo to become a matter of money, with the collection of taxes that can reach almost 40 % depending on the municipality. It is a sector that needs officers, lawyers, agronomists, finally, it has a massive number of potential jobs - says Khalatbari.

The biggest obstacles are the discrepancies between the state permission and federal laws, which consider the money made from marijuana products of unlawful activity. These companies may not have a bank account - at least not declaring the actual activity they undertake.

Read more: The time and place of marijuana in the U.S. (Portugese)

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