Grower Calls Today’s Stronger Pot ‘A Win-Win For Everyone’

logourlThe marijuana sold in Colorado dispensaries is exponentially stronger than what people smoked decades ago. Advances in technology and growing techniques have produced a more potent product.

According to a University of Mississippi study published in 2008, levels of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, varied between 3 percent and 9 percent. Now, some of the strongest medical marijuana in Colorado has tested as high as 30 percent.

CBS4 was invited to tour Denver Relief’s grow operation at an undisclosed Denver warehouse. Workers showed how they babied the plants, playing music for stimulation and lightly touching the leaves to encourage root growth. Lighting and watering was meticulously monitored and grow cycles were timed down to the day.

Read more: Grower Calls Today’s Stronger Pot ‘A Win-Win For Everyone’

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